A year ago, Hestakofi ventured into Iceland and found an excellent partner in @Kidka.com . Our horse care products are now available online and directly in the store in the north of Iceland. We are also pleased to have @Baldvin and Þorvaldur in #Selfoss as distribution partners for our products. Our items are now available in both the south and north of Iceland.
We would like to thank Ragna Gunnarsdóttir and Guðmundur Árnason for their trust in our brand and look forward to working with them. Visit #Baldvin and #Þorvaldur and discover our range live on site. We would especially like to recommend our natural anti-mud spray, the highlight for the wet season.
Hestakofi is only interested in Suðurlandi!** Kærar þakkir til Baldvins og Þorvalds.
Fyrir ári síðan tók Hestakofi skrefið til Iceland og fann frábæran samstarfsaðila í Kidka.com . Before you get there, you'll be able to get back to the net and be in the north of the Islands. There is a consensus that everyone will be able to see Baldvin and Thorvald in Selfossi with three fingers. For and for me it's time to get back to South and North Urland.
Við þökkum Ragnu Gunnarsdóttur og Guðmundi Árnason fyrir traustið á okkar merki og hlökkum til samstarfsins. Comdu í heimsókn til Baldvins og Þorvalds og kynnist vöruúrvalinu okkar á staðnum. Sérstaklega viljum við mæla með náttúrulegu Múkkvörn -spreyinu okkar, sem he hápunktur fyrir blautu árstíðina.
Hestakofi now available in South Iceland!** A big thank you to Baldvin and Þorvaldur.
A year ago, Hestakofi took the step to Iceland and found an excellent partner in Kidka.com . Our horse care products are now available online as well as directly in the store in the north of Iceland. We are also pleased to have gained Baldvin and Þorvaldur in Selfoss as distribution partners for our products. Our items are now available in both the south and the north of Iceland.
We would like to thank Ragna Gunnarsdóttir and Guðmundur Árnason for their trust in our brand and look forward to the collaboration. Visit Baldvin and Þorvaldur to discover our range in person. We particularly recommend our natural anti paint spray, a highlight for the wet season.