Dear customer,

We would like to give you more information about the shipping of our products. At Hestakofi, all products are manufactured carefully and with great attention to detail in Hamburg, Germany. We always adhere to the GMP-ISO guidelines in order to be able to offer you high-quality products. This approach guarantees that our products are always fresh and usually in stock when the supply chains allow it.

As of June 1st, 2023, we have introduced fixed shipping days. We only ship on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS . This may change during the holiday season and on public holidays.

For shipping within Germany we charge a flat shipping fee of €5.00 including VAT. This regulation applies from August 15, 2022.

For shipping to other countries and within the European Union except Austria we charge €13.90 - for packages up to 2 kg. Shipping to Austria is unfortunately not possible for us. Unfortunately it has become impossible for start-up companies like us to send packages directly. The new packaging laws in Austria, which have been in force since the beginning of the year, and the associated licenses/costs are not feasible for us. However, we do have a partner in Austria from whom you can buy all products. Check For horse lovers from Switzerland we are happy to recommend our local partner companies. You can find our products in Switzerland at the following links: or We are also happy to help you with deliveries to other countries. Please contact us for further information. Contact: contact(at)

Best wishes and good tölt.

Your Tim