
Rain mange

Dandruff and open, circular patches in winter? Most people immediately think of fungal infections, but in this case it is different. Today it is all about rain mange, because one of our horses is currently affected by it. This year it was particularly difficult to find the right time to leave the eczema blanket off. The changeable weather was a challenge for all eczema sufferers. Rain mange usually occurs when horses are covered for too long, in combination with persistent rain and a damp, cold climate. This often leads to waterlogging under the blanket, and the vicious circle begins. The skin infection finds ideal conditions in this "warm" and damp environment. Rain mange is usually caused by the bacterium Dermatophilus congolensis, which often goes unnoticed at first. The infestation only becomes clearly visible when it has spread in the thick winter coat and the itching increases. How do I know that it is rain mange?

Mange mainly affects the back, neck (usually the side without the mane), flanks and tail. These areas often provide the best breeding ground for this type of bacteria.

The clinical picture usually shows:

- Pustules

- Heat on the affected areas

- hard and swollen wounds

- circular, bloody spots due to itching

- bald areas and possibly sensitivity to touch

Rain mange is often confused with summer eczema because it has some similarities. However, the treatment is different. Rain mange is a temporary disease because it is caused by bacteria. In contrast to summer eczema, which is an allergic reaction.


The affected areas must be cleaned and kept clean by brushing or, if necessary, washing the affected areas. The inflammation should be contained as quickly as possible. Treating rain mange is often difficult because it is almost impossible to keep the affected areas dry in winter. It is therefore important to clean and care for the areas as often as possible. In our case, we were able to achieve very quick success with our Hestakofi anti-mud fever spray . We applied the spray to the affected areas once a day and distributed it well with a brush so that the agent reached the affected areas of skin even through the thick winter fur. If the situation does not improve within a week, a veterinarian should be consulted as antibiotics will probably then be necessary. Rain mange can occur all year round, but is more common in autumn. Always carry out treatment with gloves as the bacteria can also spread to humans - #zoonosis.

Measures to prevent rain mange:

- Wash blankets with hygienic detergent or vinegar

- On rainy days, check whether the blanket needs to be changed

- Strengthen the immune system; our Hestakofi Immunboost supports this

- Use of rain-repellent blankets

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